Monday, September 15, 2008

An Introduction to me


It’s been years since I first became fascinated with digital photo manipulation, the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion. With every new technique and technology that became available, I spent hour after hour studying new techniques to hone my skills and become more proficient in the application of these techniques. Proficiency, however, was not enough for me. Although I could creatively manipulate the work of other photographers, it simply didn’t feel quite right and didn’t satisfy my creative longings. Not wanting to feel restricted by the body of photographic work already out there, I decided to try my hand at photography. Keeping it simple at first, I purchased a small but very effective Nikon Coolpix point and shoot camera and couldn’t believe the enjoyment I found experimenting with it. I soon invested in a used Nikon D70 SLR camera, a “classic” style camera with interchangeable lenses, so that I could start producing higher quality images. I sought everything I could to help me become the best photographer that I could be – from learning aperture settings to shutter speeds to manipulating exposures and beyond. With the technology available today, I have never abandoned my digital photo manipulation roots and continue to use Photoshop to “tweak” my photographs. Some take on a life of their own and lead me to take them to yet another creative level.

Little did I know when I began this how much of a passion this would be for me and how it would become the bliss I now can’t imagine being without. I had always considered myself to be a creative person and had dabbled in painting and drawing and other artistic media but nothing grabbed my heart and soul like photography has. The excitement I feel when I have a new idea for a project is exhilarating and I only wish there were more hours in the day to turn all the visions into reality.

People speak of finding their “calling” in life. If finding one’s “calling” brings an overwhelming sense of joy and satisfaction, then, with photography, I have found mine. Photography has offered me a window through which I can see and express myself and my life and often serves as a catharsis, a sort of self-therapy, with much of my work relating directly or indirectly to experiences in my life In addition to the reflections of my own life, inspirations come from music, other artwork, nature, dreams and even nightmares. Sometimes ideas just pop into my head and I haven’t a clue where they came from. One of the most exciting aspects of this work is that I am not sure where it will take me and I’m simply delighted to let the processes go where they may.

I’d like to do more with fashion and modeling photography and, perhaps, mix it with the digital manipulation. As an artist I am also fascinated with exploring the darker side of life and have begun to delve deeper into my imagination to create works which reflect this.

The advent of the digital age has spawned a new generation of artists. It is truly exciting! With such websites as Myspace, YouTube and Deviant Art, the world and artists have remarkable opportunities for connecting with one another. For those of you who are interested in taking up photography or digital art (or both), I recommend learning all you can about digital imaging software such as Photoshop. I utilize such software with all of my images. Learning how to use your camera effectively and learning the principles of concept, composition and lighting are, of course, necessary for pursuing skill in photography. My own drive to continue learning more and more about my art and my craft is limitless and I look forward to new skills and insights I will acquire each and every day. I love the creative freedom I have found through this and the knowledge that I am restricted only by my imagination."

STUDIO LOCATION: My studio is in Santa Monica, California, USA. We can do the photo shoot indoors or out; at my studio or on location in the Los Angeles area.

PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES: Model portfolios, actor headshots, professional portraits, online dating photographs, wedding photography, fantasy glamour shots, artistic nude photos and family portraits.

SPECIAL EFFECTS: I can "Photoshop" your photos by re-touching the images to airbrush out any flaws, whiten teeth, remove blemishes, brighten eyes, remove wrinkles and even make it look like you lost 10, 20 or 30 pounds! I can also correct color and remove backgrounds or add different backgrounds and art effects in Photoshop. Photographs can be color, black and white, sepia toned or any other hue. I can colorize certain areas of a black and white image for stunning results. Image correction and photo manipulation included in the package price.

DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY BENEFITS: you are able to review the images on a laptop or monitor screen seconds after the picture is taken so you can choose your shots and approve them while still at the photoshoot.

Digital photography work can often be turned around on the same day for editorial photography and some commercial projects. For images that require no post-production work, digital photographs can be delivered immediately, before you leave the shoot. For images which require post-production work my turnaround will vary depending on the requirements of the job.

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